Shipping Policy

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Delivery Time:

  • Once your order is shipped, you can expect delivery within 7-10 business days if you are in a metro area, and 10-14 business days for the rest of India. Please keep in mind that delivery times may vary based on your shipping address and other factors like public holidays, extreme weather conditions, and strikes.

Made-to-Order Items:

  • We take pride in offering unique graphics, mugs, and posters that are made-to-order. To ensure the best quality, we require 2-3 business days for production and packing before shipping them to you.

Shipping Schedule:

  • Orders placed on Sundays or public holidays will be processed and shipped during the next working week. We want to make sure you receive your order as promptly as possible!

Free Shipping:

  • All orders above Rs. 600 in India qualify for FREE shipping. Enjoy the added benefit of free delivery on these orders.

Shipping Charge:

  • For orders below Rs. 600, there will be a nominal shipping charge of Rs. 60. This ensures that even smaller orders are delivered to you with care.

Shipping Partners and Tracking:

  • We collaborate with reliable shipping partners to ensure your orders reach you on time. Once your package is packed and ready for pickup, we will promptly notify you via email and your registered number, along with tracking details. This way, you can keep an eye on your shipment’s progress.

Failed Delivery and Refunds:

  • In the rare event that our courier partners are unable to deliver your package and it is sent back to us, we will initiate a refund as quickly as possible. We value your satisfaction and want to ensure you have a hassle-free shopping experience.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with your order, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer support team. Happy shopping!